
This typeface is a slab-serif, only it isn’t really, as the serifs are not too slabby: they rebelliously taper. In fact, there is a whole lot of tapering going on **¶** The design came from the desire to play with the nature of slab serifs, as I once did with a design that became *Postino*, that was – and still is – published by Adobe. But this time, I wanted something quite skinny, in contrast to *Postino*’s chunkiness. The playing with the skinniness led to the attempt at reversing the contrast by making the vertical stem width less than the horizontal **¶** I named it *Cowgirl*. Now on the subject of naming: firstly, an anecdote: the name I had originally wanted for *Postino* was *Thwacker*, however I was overruled by Adobe Marketing wisdom (they felt it was too violent). Now, unfettered by such sensible commercial oversight, I have called it Cowgirl. Several of my mucky-minded friends insist that this is rude. However, I protest my innocence, I was listening to Neil Young’s *Cowgirl in the sand* at the time of naming.